Remember The Umbrella!

Update 2020: This project has been archived.

Have you ever been outside walking somewhere while it began to rain? I have, and didn’t like it. That’s why I created Remember The Umbrella - a new online service that will email an alert when the forecast is predicting rain in your area.

How does it work?

The site is fairly simple - it connects to the National Weather Service (this is why it’s just United States only at the moment) to get the precipitation percentage for the next 12 hours, and emails the user at the correct time if that percentage is over the threshold that he or she set.

Where is it going from here?

There are many ways to improve the service. First and foremost is TXT messages. Then there will be more features like smart phone apps, “shut your car windows” on-demand warnings, and other things.

Please check it out and tell your friends!

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